APA Committees
Contact a committee chair and volunteer today!
Committee chairs and members volunteer their time and skills whenever and however they can. APA Members are encouraged to attend committee meetings or contact the committee chair if they have any questions or would like to get involved. All members are welcome and your contribution is vital to the development and success of the APA.
APA Sachiko Umehara Memorial Scholarship Committee
Chair: Randall Lee, CAP #3
Committee members: Dina Blackwell, Melissa HyamsThe Sachiko Umehara Scholarship Committee meets each March to evaluate the candidates and choose a recipient of the Scholarship.
Craft Standards Committee
Co-chairs: Allison Levin, CAP #34 and Walt Fujii, CAP #10
Committee members: Dina Blackwell, Grant Foerster, Randall Lee, Maryann Lewis, Lara Miranda, Judy ThomasThe APA Craft Standards Committee develops and administers the APA’s CAP test. The Craft Standards Committee meets once a month.
Education Committee
Chair: Lara Miranda, CAP #65
Committee members: Evelyn Borchert, Jane Chua-Couzens, Greg Kitajima, Nicole LaPlante, Allison Levin, Ben Redmond, Judy ThomasThe APA Education Committee organizes informative events, such as the APA Tree Talks, and develops other educational programs and materials. The Education Committee meets once a month.
Finance Committee
Chair: Barbara Eaton, CAP #60
Committee members: Dina Blackwell, Melissa Hyams, Mark Mendell, Nina Rizzo, Shivawn Layne - Accountant, Helga Mahlmann - former AccountantThe Finance Committee meets quarterly with the APA's accountant to review and make decisions about the organization's finances.
Membership Committee
Chair: Alex Senauke
Committee members: Dina Blackwell, Evelyn Borchert, Maryann Lewis, Denise MasonThe Membership Committee handles membership applications and renewals, provides quarterly membership reports for the APA newsletter, and ensures accuracy of the online membership directory.
National Growth and Outreach
Chair: Maryann Lewis, CAP #19
Committee members: Dina Blackwell, Diana Chamberlain, Dierdre Davis Eickhoff, Grant Foerster, Emily Fronckowiak, Jeff Harris, Nicole LaPlante, Matt Luks-JurutkaThe National Growth and Outreach Committee focuses outside the organization to recruit new members and increase awareness of the APA.
Newsletter Committee
Chair: Dina Blackwell, CAP #53
Committee members: Barbara Eaton, Lara Miranda, Ben RedmondThe Newsletter Committee puts together a quarterly newsletter and is happy to receive ideas, articles, and photos from membership.
Promotions Committee
Chair: Jeff Beccerra
Committee members: Dina Blackwell, Jane Chua-Couzens, Barbara Eaton, Melissa Hyams, Nina RizzoThe APA Promotions Committee develops promotional material, merchandise, and messaging for the APA. The Promotions Committee meets once a month.
Website Committee
Chair: Jeff Kowalski
Committee members: Dina Blackwell, Melissa Hyams, Lara MirandaThe Website Committee meets as needed to update the design and content of the APA’s online presence.