About the APA
The APA promotes and develops the art and science of aesthetic pruning and supports professional pruners in their work.
Our Mission
The Aesthetic Pruners Association (APA) is a nonprofit association which promotes and develops the art and science of aesthetic pruning and supports professional pruners through certification and educational opportunities. Our purpose is to advance a high standard of craftsmanship, sound horticultural practices and artistic expression. We foster awareness and appreciation of aesthetic pruning among the public and industry professionals.
Executive Board
President: LARA MIRANDA, CAP #065
Vice President: EVELYN BORCHERT, CAP #064
Treasurer: BARBARA EATON, CAP #060
Secretary: ERIC KING, CAP #052
Member at Large: ALLISON LEVIN, CAP #034
Member at Large: JEFF BECERRA, Associate
Member at Large: NICOLE LAPLANTE, CAP #056
Past President 2018-2022: DINA BLACKWELL, CAP #053
Past President 2014-2018: RANDALL LEE, CAP #003
Past President 2012-2014: MARYANN LEWIS, CAP #019
Past President 2010-2012: GRANT FOERSTER, CAP #017
APA Code of Ethics
All APA members agree to the Code of Ethics stated below.
Definition: Aesthetic Pruning is the creative interpretation of small trees and shrubs. This living art form combines the artistic skill of the pruner, the essence of a tree, the science and horticulture and the needs of clients and surroundings.
* Provide aesthetic pruning services artistically, competently and safely by exercising professional judgment and by adhering to the definition of aesthetic pruning.
*Recognize the limitations of one's professional ability and provide services limited to one's qualifications.
* When unable to provide the required professional services, provide the appropriate professional referral(s) for the benefit of the client.
* Maintain respect for trees and plants and hold plant health as our highest priority.
* Comply with all applicable local, state, or national laws, regulations, policies and ethical standards as agreed to prior to acceptance into the APA.
* Comply with all accepted professional standards and best management practices of the APA.
* Refrain from behavior that clearly violates applicable laws or the APA's Code of Ethics.
* As professionals, members shall strive to enhance the standing of the APA by cooperating and sharing information and experiences with other members. This spirit of cooperation and sharing is a professional courtesy that is a trademark of the APA.